Jumat, 01 Mei 2015


3EB24 / 24212596

Definition Of Active Setences and Passive Sentences
            Passive Voice (Passive Sentences) is the subject of his sentence subject to a job or suffer a. In other words, the subject of the sentence is being targeted activity expressed by the verb. In Indonesian characteristics of passive voice is beginning with the verb "di" and some again have the prefix "ter-" (depending on the context of the sentence).
            Active Voice (Active Sentence) is the subject of his sentences do some thing or doing a job. In Indonesian characteristics of the active sentence is the verb is always beginning with "me" and several more have the prefix "ber-".

Formulation of passive sentences


Make ten question from active sentences to passive sentences !
1. My mum always accompanies my little brother to school. (active)
 My little brother is always accompanied by my mum o school. (passive)
Simple Present Tense
S + tobe (is, am,are) + V3

2. Mark is making a bookcase for his sister. (active)
A bookcase is being made by Mark for his sister. (passive)
Present Continous Tense
S + (is, am, are) + being + V3

3. Mary Ann has sent messages three times. (active)
 Messages have been sent three times by Mary Ann. (passive)
Present Perfect Tense
S + (have, has) + been + V3

4. The serveant broke three glasses this morning. (active)
 Three glasses were broken by the servant this morning. (passive)
Simple Past Tense
S + tobe (was, were) + V3

5. When I entered the room, Henry was setting the wall clock. (active)
When I entered the room, the wall clock was being set by Henry. (passive)
Past Continous Tense
S + (was, were) + being + V3

6. When the police broke the door, the two people were playing cards. (active)
When the police broke the door, cards were being played by the two people. (passive)
Past Continous Tense
S + (was, were) + being + V3

7. The Police had escorted the criminals before the mob got raged. (active)
The criminals had been escorted before the mob got raged. (passive)
Past Perfect Tense
S + (had) + been + V3

8. The manager has interviewed some candidates. (active)
Some candidates have been interviewed by the manager. (passive)
Present Perfect Tense
S + (have, has) + been + V3

9.  She was buying some books last night. (active)
 Some books were being bought by her last night. (passive)
Past Continous Tense
S + (had) + been + V3

10. My mother always cleans the floor every morning. (active)
 The floor is always cleaned by my mother every morning. (passive)
Simple Present Tense
S + tobe (is, am,are) + V3

Make ten question from passive sentences to active sentences !
1. Our grandmother is visited by us every 2 months. (passive)
We visit our grandmother every 2 months. (active)
2. This plant is watered by me every day. (passive)
I always water this plant every day. (active)
3. Anne’s leg is being bitten by the dog. (passive)
The dog is biting Anne’s leg. (active)
4. The novel is being read by him. (passive)
He is reading a novel now. (active)
5. I have been told by my father not to go to the beach. (passive)
 My father has told me not to go to the beach. (active)
6. I have been asked by my uncle to come to his house. (passive)
My uncle has asked me to come to his house. (active)
7. The letter was printed by them last night. (passive)
They printed the letter last night. (active)
8. The noodle was being cooked by Franda. (passive)
Franda was cooking the noodle. (active)
9. The work will have been completed by my father tomorrow morning. (passive)
My father will have completed the work tomorrow morning. (active)
10. The mathematic is studied by him yesterday. (passive)
He studied Mathematic yesterday. (active)

Martinus, Surawan. 2008. Cara Mudah Belajar & Memahami TENSES. Yogyakarta : Indonesia Tera.

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