Selasa, 09 Juni 2015

Eat Junk Food (Tugas 2 softskill)

Mira Rusmayanti
3EB24 / 24212596

Junk food is a term that describes the food that is not healthy. Or have little nutritional content. Junk food contains large amounts of fat. Junk food is fast food such as hamburgers, chips of Mc. Donald's, KFC and Pizza Hut. Although junk food unhealthy food and little nutrients but a lot more people are looking for fast food.
Because junk food is very practical. And it is very easy for us if you want to look for places that provide this fast food or what we often call with said junk food. Junk food is very much a good demand among teenagers, adults, and children. Yet we also know that junk food is not good for health.
In today's for us who are busy with their work in the office or anywhere to order junk food is very easy. We as customers live call on the number provided. then of why most people prefer junk food than to cook it yourself at home. In fact a lot more healthy foods that we can eat other than junk food. Like eating vegetables is to cook it yourself at home.
Junk food can make us gain weight. And also can disturb our noses. Prompts for do not often eat junk food-related obesity certainly we've heard about. Unfortunately, it is often ignored. If you do not immediately stop the bad habit is not only weight gain of smell was disrupted.
Burger content of beef or chicken, hotdogs, fries, fried chicken and various other junk food high in fat. Which turned out according to research by academics Florida State University, high-fat foods affect the structure and function of the nose. Mice used as animal models to determine the facts linked poor diet with kissing ability. For six months the mice were fed a high-fat. At the same time the mice were also taught the ability to kiss, if able to be given water.
To test the ability of rats to kiss, given the new scent. Apparently, rats that had consumed the high-fat feed was not quick to adapt that showed a decrease in the ability of kissing. The study, funded by the National Instittus of Health (NIH) is done because of the high rate of obesity occurred in almost all countries. In the US alone, two out of three adults are overweight, while 3 out of 6 people in the UK obese. (, Jakarta)
Even in America as I get the information from detikfood. One in six people in America have experienced illness due to food in 2011. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates also victims as much as 3,000 people were killed and 128,000 people were hospitalized. Contaminated food can be caused by many things. Generally occurs due to lack of hygiene. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites can stick to the food directly.
There have been many examples of victims of junk food, but most people did not pay attention. Although junk food is not good for health but junk food remains the most food favored by many people. Because places serving fast food very much. Even around the home we were so many places that provide fast food.
Because I myself was one of the fans of junk food. But I prefer home cooking compared to junk food. Although junk food is very much the audience. But, the most frequently visited places junk food is among teenagers.
Each I to the junk food many school children after school that they hung out with his friends in the junk food. Points junk food is very comfortable for us and our friends together while chatting. He can also spell out the task. Even just simply ride the surf with free wifi.
Junk food is not forbidden goods that should not be consumed just junk food that is less nutritious food. We may consume junk food with attention to the steps astute when eat them. Some suggested tips for you to avoid the ill effects of the consumption of junk food. First, choose rice for staple foods. If you're into fast food restaurant then choose rice as a staple food.
This will reduce the consumption of fat and sodium are found in many junk food. Second, reduce the portion and size. Buy foods in moderation and try to share it with your colleagues. This will reduce the intake of excessive nutrients that can cause obesity.
Third, replace soft drinks with mineral water or fruit juice. Soft drinks contain a lot of sugar and a low value of the vitamins. Then you should choose water that contains no calories and fruit juices that contain a lot of vitamins. Fourth, do not eat chicken skin. Remember, chicken skin is a source of saturated fat and cholesterol, therefore discard the skin and enjoy the meat.
Fifth, Ask for salad. Add salad to your menu as a vegetable which contains many vitamins and fiber. Sixth, reduce the sauce and mayonnaise. Reduce the use of sauces and mayonnaise, because the sauce contains a lot of sodium and preservatives while the high fat mayonnaise.

Seventh, reduce the frequency of eating junk food. Note the frequency you eat junk food, arrange to not exceed 3-4 times a month. Eighth, eat breakfast in the morning at home. Start your day by eating healthy foods in the house such as fruit juice, milk, cereal and fruit. The morning breakfast at home will reduce the desire to buy snacks or unhealthy snacks outside the home. Ninth, Sports. Improve fitness by exercising regularly. Exercise will burn energy derived from excess consumption.

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NAMA           : MIRA RUSMAYANTI KELAS          : 4EB24 NPM               : 24212596 BAB VIII PELAPORAN KEUANGAN DAN PERUBAHAN ...